2023-137 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2023-12-28
Final date -
Days in captivity134
SpeciesEASO - Eastern screech owl
BandYellow R 015
Fracture - ulna, left
Ocular - pecten avulsion OS
Ocular - Pigment clumping, OU

Cause of injury: Unknown

All meds PO

Found in Gurley,AL
Madison county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Desc Qty Cost Subtotal
Daily rate13410.001340.00
Physical therapy334.22102.66
Complete blood count158.0058.00
Packed cell volume18.078.07
Lab tests1Variable40.00
Total  2501.23

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images







2024-05-09 15:07 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-05 13:50 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-04 10:31 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-03 16:05 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-02 11:15 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-01 15:41 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-29 15:46 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-28 09:49 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-27 10:55 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-26 16:38 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-25 16:03 JB

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-24 16:08 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-23 16:58 JB

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-22 17:01 SAK

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-21 10:23 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-20 11:39 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-19 16:46 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-18 16:46 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-17 16:55 SAK

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-16 16:53 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-16 16:38 SAK

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-04-16
Examiner - SAK
Feather Condition 1, Endurance 4, Symmetry 4, Maneverability 4, Lift 4, Landing 4 = Total 21 Sound = no No Tail feathers still, but flying very well now.
2024-04-15 16:12 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-14 10:34 SH

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-13 10:31 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-12 15:44 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-11 15:33 BT

Group entry: 3 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-10 16:15 BT

Group entry: 3 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-09 17:15 SAK

Group entry: 3 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-08 16:31 AN

Group entry: 3 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-07 11:27 BT

Group entry: 3 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-06 10:53 BT

Group entry: 3 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-05 16:23 BT

Group entry: 3 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-04 16:55 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-04-03 16:11 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-02 16:33 JB

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, per bird

2024-04-01 15:59 SAK

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-31 10:27 SH

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-30 11:06 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-29 16:13 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-28 15:58 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-26 16:13 JB

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, per bird

2024-03-25 17:09 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-24 10:08 SH

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-23 11:11 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-22 16:01 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-21 16:36 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-20 16:57 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-19 16:34 SAK

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-18 16:17 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-17 10:27 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-16 16:15 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-15 15:56 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-14 15:22 JB

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-13 16:02 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-12 17:38 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-11 16:51 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-10 10:41 SH

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-09 11:30 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-08 11:53 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-07 13:24 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-06 15:23 BT

Still has no tail feathers, no lift or maneuvearability

Feather check
  Ok  Fault bar  Dystrophic
  Old  Curled  Broken, not impable
  Extra  Tipped  Missing
  IB, mature  Soiled  Mutilated
  IB  Bent  Unknown
  Imped  Broken, impable   
  Frayed  Singed   
Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-03-06
Examiner - BT
Feather Condition 1, Endurance 1, Symmetry 3, Maneverability 2, Lift 1, Landing 3 = Total 11 Sound = no
2024-03-06 11:32 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-05 11:38 KAP

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-04 16:41 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-03-03 10:47 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-02 10:08 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-03-01 16:46 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-29 16:24 JB

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, per bird

2024-02-29 16:13 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-28 16:02 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-26 17:41 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-25 11:28 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-24 15:14 RE

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 182 g

2024-02-24 11:40 JB

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, per bird

2024-02-23 17:16 SAK

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-22 16:03 JB

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch per bird

2024-02-22 15:33 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-21 16:43 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-02-20 16:08 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-19 13:48 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-18 10:24 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-17 11:05 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-02-16 15:57 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-15 15:59 JB

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, per bird

2024-02-14 16:46 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-13 16:21 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-12 15:26 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-10 10:48 SH

Group entry: 5 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-08 16:37 JL

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-02-08
Examiner - JL
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
Cornea- clear and formed. Lens- Faint white opacity on ALC Fundus- pegment clumping at periphery of pecten
Left eye:
Cornea- clear and formed Lens- normal Fundus- torn pecten with pigment dipsersed at periphery, pecten elevated(detached at base), geographic area of depigmentation at periphery of pecten. Plan- no meds. No recheck needed.
2024-02-08 16:15 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-07 16:18 BT

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-07 15:27 BT

Did a flight test with this bird. Flight is weak and exacerbated by missing almost entire tail (has 2 feathers left). Might be pretty challenging to imp! All primaries on right wing are tipped as well. Not generating much lift. Can't go far or navigate properly.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-02-07
Examiner - BT
Feather Condition 1, Endurance 1, Symmetry 3, Maneverability 2, Lift 1, Landing 3 = Total 11 Sound = no
2024-02-06 16:53 JB

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-02-05 16:07 AN

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-04 10:13 SH

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-03 15:52 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-02-02 16:05 re

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/16 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-02-01 16:31 JB

Group entry: 4 animals
Food:30g M, Ch, Q(sm) per bird

2024-01-31 12:19 SAK

Band changed to: Yellow R 015

2024-01-30 16:43 JL

Laser therapy of left wing 110j for 3.4 minutes
d/c external coaptation
137 was moved from critical care to a hex


Imagery report
Performed bySK/AS
PositioningVD, L CrCD
ISO/O2 via mask
Orthogonal views of L ulnar fracture evaluated. There is progression of callus formation and complete bridging of the cortices. No anesthetic complications.
2024-01-30 16:00 SAK

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-01-31
Examiner - SAK
Feather Condition 3, Endurance 3, Symmetry 3, Maneverability 4, Lift 2, Landing 4 = Total 16 Sound = Yes Weak flight due to be being in convalescent caging.
2024-01-30 15:21 BT

Food: 30 g m

2024-01-30 08:50 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-30 07:49 AB

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
Pellets, Urates
No leftovers

2024-01-29 15:43 JL

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
Swapped out morning food for fresh mouse(25g), put meds in mouse

2024-01-29 09:48 BT

Food: 27g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-28 15:27 BT

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-28 10:03 AN

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
Urates, feces and pellet
4g leftover

2024-01-27 15:40 AN

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-27 11:15 re

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-26 16:19 AN

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
body wrap was replaced during laser therapy

2024-01-26 15:07 SAK

Laser therapy of left wing 110j for 3.5 minutes
Full ROM when body wrap removed. Performed ROM for 5 minutes on left wing.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointLeft wing
2024-01-26 09:34 AN

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
left 5g
Urates, feces and pellets present

2024-01-25 16:19 KAP

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-25 13:02 re

Ophtho findings:
OS Distal pecten avulsion

No meds prescribed at this time, will need to be rechecked in 2-3 weeks.

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-01-25
Examiner - re
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
faint pinpoint white opacity on ALC axially; pigment clumping at periphery of pecten
Left eye:
2+ pigment dispersed throughout vitreous; torn pecten w/pigment dispersion, few focal hemorrhages at tip of pecten, depigmented at periphery of pecten
2024-01-25 09:12 re

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

two pellets, normal mutes

2024-01-24 15:45 AN

Food: 32g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-24 08:53 SAK
Weight: 182 grams
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

Weight gain 15% BW
Pellet, normal feces/urates present.

2024-01-23 16:28 BT

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-23 16:25 SAK

Laser therapy of left wing 110j for 3.4 minutes

Physical therapy
Limb/jointLeft wing
ROM was performed for 5 minutes. Normal range of motion was achieved. Replace body wrap with silk tape.
2024-01-23 10:23 SAK

Left 18g from 1-22-24. Pellet and normal urates/feces

2024-01-23 09:45 BT

Food: 31g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-22 16:39 AN

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-22 10:14 AN

Food: 36g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
left urates, pellets, and feces

2024-01-21 17:20 AN

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-21 09:16 AN

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Left pellets, feces and urates

2024-01-20 16:19 AN

Food: 31g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-20 10:56 SH

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
Left pellet.

2024-01-19 17:00 an

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-19 12:47 SAK

Body wrap coming off, replaced body wrap with silk tape.

2024-01-19 09:41 JB

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
Left pellet and urates/feces present

2024-01-18 16:41 SAK

Laser therapy of left wing 110j for 3.5 minutes

2024-01-18 16:38 re

Food: 32g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
body wrap replaced

2024-01-18 11:15 BT

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-17 16:42 BT

Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-17 09:58 BT

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 158 g

2024-01-17 09:39 SAK
Weight: 158 grams
Weight gain 7% BW
Bandage was off this am. Replaced with Silk tape body wrap.
Pellet and urates/feces present

2024-01-17 09:30 BT

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-16 16:52 re

Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-16 13:33 re

Imagery report
Performed byRE/AMS
PositioningVD, L CrCd
ISO/O2 via mask
Orthogonal views of L ulnar fracture evaluated. There is progression of callus formation, but still not bridging of the cortices. Replaced body wrap. No anesthetic complications.
2024-01-16 09:51 re

Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

one pellet, normal mutes

2024-01-15 15:49 AN

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-15 08:48 ACB

Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
BAR, normal feces/urates, pellet removed, wing wrap in place, no food in cage

2024-01-14 15:42 BT

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-14 09:16 ACB

Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
BAR, normal mutes, pellet removed, no food in cage, wrap in place

2024-01-13 15:22 AN

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-13 08:56 AN

gave meds orally
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
BAR, normal feces/urates, pellet and no food in cage, wrap in place

2024-01-12 16:36 re

Food: 30g M, Ch (give meds orally)
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-12 10:04 re

Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

BAR, healthy mutes, one pellet

2024-01-11 15:40 ACB

Laser therapy of left wing - 110 J for 3:40 minutes
PROM performed on left wing and wing-to-body wrap was replaced with silk tape

2024-01-11 15:14 BT

Food: 15 g
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-11 09:33 JDH

Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-11 08:29 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Laser therapy:
PT: PROM Left Wing
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

Changed food to SID, meds are to be given orally

2024-01-11 08:00 ACB

BAR, pellet, no food in cage, normal feces/urates

2024-01-10 15:57 AN

Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-10 10:05 JDH
Weight: 147 grams
Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-10 09:02 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-10 09:00 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-10 07:41 ACB

BAR, normal feces/urates, pellet removed, no food in cage

2024-01-09 15:47 BT

Food: 16g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-09 11:08 KAP

Food: 18g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-09 07:45 ACB

BAR, normal feces/urates, pellet removed, no food in cage

2024-01-08 17:08 ACB

Laser therapy: left ulna, 3:40 min, 110 J
PT: PROM Left Wing, able to get full extension at elbow and carpus


2024-01-08 16:22 AN

30g M
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-08 09:27 JDH

Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-08 08:27 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Laser therapy:
PT: PROM Left Wing
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.
Updated Laser and PT dates

2024-01-08 07:42 ACB

BAR, normal urate/feces, pellet removed, no food left in cage, wing wrap in place

2024-01-07 15:07 BT

Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-07 09:17 JDH

Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-07 08:05 JDH

Patient was BAR and ate well overnight. Normal appearing urates and feces. Pellet present.

2024-01-06 16:23 AN

Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-06 10:16 JDH

Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-06 08:32 JDH

Patient was BAR and ate well overnight. Normal appearing urates and feces. Pellet present. Bandage in place.

2024-01-05 15:33 ACB

Feed: 32 g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-05 15:01 ACB

Laser therapy performed, 110 J over 3.5 minutes at L ulna fracture site, as well as proximal and distal to site
Replaced L wing-to-body wrap with white tape.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointLeft wing
Performed PROM for 3.5 minutes
2024-01-05 09:05 SAK

Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
PT: PROM Left Wing

2024-01-05 07:44 ACB

BAR, normal feces/urates, removed pellet, no food

2024-01-04 16:16 KAP

Food: 16g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-04 12:13 KAP

Food: 15g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO - given orally
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-04 08:36 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-04 07:52 ACB

BAR, normal feces/urates, pellet removed, no food in cage, wrap in place

2024-01-03 15:44 BT

Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-03 14:20 re

Collection date2024-01-03
Typechoanal/cloacal swab
AI PCR : Not detected
2024-01-03 13:01 re

Collection date2024-01-03 13:01:00
PCV42 %
TS-1.0 g\dl
Collection date2024-01-03
WBC count9
Corrected count9
Hets/Neut35% - 3
Lymphs33% - 2
Eos16% - 1
Mono14% - 1
Baso2% - 0
Read byUMiami Avian & Wildlife Lab
2024-01-03 11:53 AMS

Blood obtained from R jugular, moderate bruising. Submitted for CBC & EPH, lead in-house.

Noted moderate amount of pigmented debris in the vitreous OU, but more severe OS. R/o resolving hemorrhage vs other. Will put on list for ophtho consult.


Blood lead
Collection date2024-01-03
Level5.30 ug/dL
2024-01-03 10:41 BT

Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.08 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-03 10:30 BT

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 122 g

2024-01-03 07:49 ACB

Hiding in box
No pellet/food in cage
Normal feces/urates

2024-01-02 17:53 SAK
Weight: 122 grams

2024-01-02 17:45 KAP

Food: 16g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-02 17:00 ACB

Imagery report
Performed byACB
PositioningPerformed VD, right lateral, and
ISO via facemask
Closed distal left ulnar complete oblique laterally displaced fracture, no bridging of cortices noted, bony callus formation surrounding fracture. 

No other obvious abnormalities noted.
2024-01-02 12:21 SAK

Food: 15g M, Ch PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-01-02 08:24 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-01 17:24 KAP

Food: 10 g m,ch. q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2024-01-01 09:56 AN

Food: 10 g m,ch. q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2023-12-31 15:58 AN

Food: 10 g m,ch. q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2023-12-31 13:54 SAK

Swabbed for AI and will submit to State lab on 1-2-24

2023-12-31 09:50 AN

Food: 10 g m,ch. q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2023-12-30 15:56 AN

Food: 10 g m,ch. q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2023-12-30 09:57 AN

Food: 10 g m,ch. q PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2023-12-29 17:06 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 10 g m,ch. q BID PUT MEDS IN FOOD
Meloxicam: 0.07ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Check body wrap is in place, replace as needed.

2023-12-29 17:02 NP
BCS: 3.0

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
(Abbreviated exam due to intake in isolation room)

Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Amberly Sokoloff
Observational examination
Mentation: BAR
Posture: Upright, attempts to fly in cage when approached
Overall appearance: Good
Vital stats
Heart rate: 230
Respiratory rate: 50
Auscultation: Normal
Mucous membranes: Normal
Dehydration: Euhydration
Oral cavity: Normal
Choana: Normal
Glottis: Normal
Beak: Normal
Cere/nares: Clear and free of debris
Eyes: Clear and free of debris
Ears: DNE
Crop: n/a
Feather quality: Good
Wings: large callus around the left ulna and radius, fracture of left ulna that is not stable
Wings - Range of motion: Decreased in left
Wings - Patagium: Normal
Legs/Feet - Range of motion: Normal
Legs/Feet - Plantar surface: Normal
Legs/Feet- Talons: Normal
Ceolom: Normal
BCS: 3
Vent: Normal
Droppings: Normal
Uropygial gland: DNE

Problem list: Fracture of left ulna, difficult to palpate if radius is also fractured due to callus. Concern for synostosis.

Diagnosis: Fracture of left ulna +/- radius

Assessment: Bony callus possibly causing synostosis of the left radius and ulna

L Wing-to-body wrap
Radiographs once tested for HPAI

Prognosis: Guarded


2023-12-29 10:23 BT

Food: 15 g m,ch. q

2023-12-29 10:21 BT

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 20 g m,ch. q SID

Version 3.1.7 - 3.18.63 Fri May 10 03:00:20 2024